This ideological turn of the PP leaves Vox as the only opposition to euthanasia

Euthanasia: the Popular Party completes its submission to the dogmas of the left-wing

Esp 2·23·2024 · 8:24 0

Every time an election is called in Spain, the Popular Party (PP) presents itself as an alternative to the left.

Feijóo still doesn't understand why Vox appeared and why many of us will not vote for the PP
Feijóo's program only includes repealing one of the ideological laws of the left

A clone of the Socialist Party

However, over the years, the PP has been assuming all the ideological dogmas of the left, including the most aberrant ones, such as gender ideology and abortion, becoming in practice something more similar to a clone of the Socialist Party than to a true opposition party to the theses of the left.

The pro-abortion turn of the PP a year ago

Let us remember that the current president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, was the one who completed the pro-abortion turn of that party a year ago, describing the abortion law as "correct" that his own party appealed to the Constitutional Court in 2010. On February 15, 2023, Feijóo described abortion as a "right" and called it "comical" to talk about it today, as if denouncing the murder every year in Spain of almost 100,000 unborn sons and daughters were something "comical".

13 years for its pro-abortion turn and less than 4 for its pro-euthanasia turn

If the PP needed 13 years to diametrically change its position in relation to abortion, with euthanasia it has been much faster. On December 17, 2020, Congress approved the infamous euthanasia law promoted by the left, and only the PP and Vox voted against. Four years have not yet passed and the PP's opposition to this crime has already changed. In July 2023, the PP presented a program that only spoke of "reviewing", but not repealing, the euthanasia law. That was already a preview of what has finally arrived this week.

This Wednesday, el regional government of Andalusia, in the hands of the PP, has described euthanasia as a "right" and has announced a mobile team to carry out euthanasia wherever all medical personnel refuse to collaborate in that crime by appealing to his right to conscientious objection. Only a few years ago some would have described something like that as typical of the most extreme left: now the PP does it, which has not even needed four years to complete its ideological metamorphosis also on this issue, bending to the culture of death and the ideological dogmas of the left, once again.

There is only Vox left to represent those of us who oppose euthanasia

With this new ideological turn of the PP, there is only one party with institutional representation in Spain that is frontally opposed to euthanasia: Vox. From this party, the deputy for Córdoba José Ramírez del Río has criticized this initiative of the Andalusian government of PP in favor of euthanasia: "Primary care worse than with the PSOE, no decent Palliative Care in Andalusian Health, but you will be able to go to the other neighborhood courtesy of Moreno Bonilla Feijoo already said that he would only make slight adjustments to the Euthanasia law. They didn't take long."

What will the Catholic Church and its media do in Spain?

Now it remains to know what the Catholic Church and the media of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE) will do, some media which have been clearly favoring the Popular Party for years while silencing Vox. After the PP's turn in favor of abortion, only a few bishops expressed their criticism. The EEC media, such as COPE and the television channel Trece, have continued to favor the PP, almost always omitting their anti-Christian positions on bioethical issues. I close these lines with a quote from the Gospel of Saint Luke (chapter 19, verse 40): "I tell you, if they keep silent, the stones will cry out."


Photo: Partido Popular. Meeting of the president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, with Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla, president of the autonomous government of Andalusia, and with other regional presidents of the PP on November 13, 2022.

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