There are those who wonder why there are two European parliamentary groups to the right of the Popular Party and with similar messages.
Russia and NATO, the main difference between ECR and ID
These two parliamentary groups are the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR), which includes parties such as Vox, Fratelli d'Italia and the Poles of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (PiS, Law and Justice), and the Identity and Democracy (ID) group, led by Marine Le Pen's Rassemblement National party and the Germans of Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), among others.
Until now, the biggest difference between both groups was in international politics and specifically in relations with Russia. While the ECR encompasses parties opposed to Russian imperialism and favorable to NATO (that is, to the security framework that we have in Europe against the threat of Russian expansionism) , Le Pen and his people have traditionally aligned themselves in favor of Russia. This was one of the reasons why the Finnish party Perussuomalaiset left the ID group and joined the ECR, after Russian threats against Finland and the entry of this country into NATO.
Le Pen's party assumes leftist dogmas on abortion
Yesterday a new gap between both groups was confirmed. As already happened in February, Le Pen's party voted overwhelmingly in favor of the introduction of abortion in the French Constitution, a shameful fact which makes France the first country in the world to make the murder of innocent and defenseless human beings a constitutional right. They can be seen here the results of yesterday's vote in the French National Assembly. Of the 88 deputies of Rassemblement National, 46 supported the pro-abortion initiative (including Marine Le Pen), 11 voted against and 20 abstained (one of the deputies did not vote).
Despite being described by many media as a "far-right" party, the Rassemblement National (RN) group in the National Assembly assumed the positions of the left and published a message on his Twitter account quoting some words from Hélène Laporte, RN deputy:
"No political party questions the right to abortion in our country. In reality, the day after this Congress nothing will have changed for women."
An hour and a half earlier, on her Twitter account, Marine Le Pen announced :
"We will vote for the constitutionalization of abortion even if no one in France endangers its access."
With its positioning yesterday, Le Pen's party has proven to be another case of pseudo-right, as we could call those parties that apparently offer a political alternative to the left but that in the end end up defending the ideological dogmas of socialists and communists on issues as important as abortion, leaving many French voters politically orphaned.
A pro-abortion position similar to that of Vladimir Putin
It can be assumed that Putin will be very happy with the messages from his French friends, taking into account that the Russian dictator's party promoted a law that considers abortion as a right. This question is the best test that allows us to differentiate a truly conservative party from a party that looks for right-wing votes to carry out left-wing policies, like the Popular Party in Spain, with the difference that not even the PP has reached the level of Le Pen's pro-abortion radicalism and her support for the constitutionalization of that crime.
Vox and ECR launch a 'Manifesto for life' rejecting abortion
We have the opposite example in the ECR. This morning, Vox and the ECR have presented a "Manifesto for life". During this event, Vox MEP Margarita de la Pisa stated: "All of us who are present dream that the idea of abortion has no place in this society. That it is completely unthinkable that every second of any person's life is valued because it does not belong to us, it must be respected for the inherent dignity that the human being has."
The best summary of this panorama was made today by the former Vox deputy Francisco José Contreras: "Very well the ECR defending life. Just on the day that the Rassemblement National (Le Pen) supports the inclusion of abortion as a right in the French Constitution. The difference between a neopagan right and a liberal-conservative right."
Once again, I congratulate Vox and ECR for defending conservative principles and the culture of life in one of the most important debates of our time. For your interest, I include here the English translation of the "Manifesto for life" (see PDF) presented today by Vox and ECR in the European Parliament:
Manifesto for life In this IX Legislature we affirm the rich heritage of faith, culture and traditions that have constituted the legacy of Christian humanism through the founding fathers in the genesis of the European project.
The right to Life, from conception to natural death, is the fundamental pillar on which human freedom is based, as well as legal security and equality in our democratic State of Law.
For all this, in parliamentary seats, politicians, civil society, and science itself, with this memorandum we renew the commitment and recognition of the incomparable value of human existence and we harbor hope in a society that is committed to every life.
- Human existence develops from conception and follows the natural course of its own life, unique and unrepeatable.
- Every human being has a dignity inherent to their existence.
- The universal and immutable natural law is rooted in the depths of the life of the human being, prior to any institution or social order and that can only be recognized and protected. It is a primary source of morality and rights.
- The right to life is a universal, unavailable, inviolable and indivisible fundamental human right, and it is the duty of States to guarantee and protect it.
- National legislation must guarantee an environment where pregnant women receive the necessary protection, information and care to be able to embrace the gift of life.
- Human beings need affection, protection and depend on others. The more fragile and vulnerable life is, the greater the commitment to its care must be.
- Family policies and the promotion of birth rates must be encouraged that allow for the healthy development of personality. Children must grow up in a family environment, in a climate of happiness, love and understanding.
- Parents have the right and duty to educate and care for the lives of their children in accordance with their right conscience.
- Children have the right to be preserved in their innocence, to be respected in their physical and moral integrity and in the natural development of their life.
- The international community must cooperate as a priority in the protection, appreciation and respect of human life.
- Human life cannot be instrumentalized or be the object of commerce, trafficking or exploitation.
- A society that appreciates life guarantees a future of hope.
Photo: Marine Le Pen.
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