A story that reflects the absurd situation of the center-right in Spain

The fable of the bigmouth scorpion that told the frog that it would kill it crossing the river

Surely many of you already know the famous tale of the scorpion and the frog, a good fable about the irrationality of evil.

If no other party had contested the elections, the PP would have an absolute majority
Vicente Vallés, the utility of the Popular Party and the utility of Vox: let's make the comparison

The original fable of the frog and the scorpion

In case someone does not know it, I summarize it. A scorpion asks a frog to help him cross a river. She is reticent, because she knows the nature of the scorpion, and says no, because if she helps him cross, the arthropod will sting and kill her. The scorpion tries to dissuade the frog, and finally convinces her by telling her that it would be absurd for her to kill her, since they would both drown in the river.

Finally, the frog agrees to cross the arthropod and when they are both in the middle of the river, the scorpion sticks its poisonous sting into the frog's back. She asks him why he did that, that now they will both drown , and the scorpion apologizes, telling her that it is in his nature to do that, that he knows no other way to act. And they both drown.

The Spanish fable of the frog and the bigmouth scorpion

The origin of this fable is unknown, although some place it in ancient Greece. An updated version could now be written in Spain. This time what we have is a scorpion with a large mouth that needs the frog's help but doesn't hide its intentions from him. The arthropod asks her for help to cross the river while insulting her, belittling her, confessing that he would rather cross on top of a poisonous snake than on top of a dirty looking frog, and if all that wasn't enough, He doesn't even bother to deceive her: before the journey begins, he tells her through various means that he will kill her when they cross the river.

As he knows that with these bad manners he will not convince the frog, the scorpion starts a propaganda campaign accusing the frog of being bad for wanting to prevent him from crossing the river. He convinces his arthropod friends to speak ill of the frog to all living beings they come across, spreading the slogan that it would be better if no frogs were needed, and instead of being an amphibian, the frog was a scorpion with the ability to swim.

The PP fed the signaling of the left against Vox

I know that sounds like a very absurd story. It is. This fable of the bigmouth scorpion is a representation of the center-right in Spain, with a Popular Party (PP) that has obtained a result much lower than its expectations in the general elections of July 23, after having spent the entire electoral campaign encouraging the pointing of the left against Vox, the party whose support the PP wants to govern.

That stupid electoral strategy had its most absurd moment in Feijóo's offer to Sánchez of a pact so that he would continue to govern if the PP did not obtain more votes than the PSOE (although the sum of the seats in the PP and Vox gave an absolute majority). Unable to admit its mistake, the PP continues with this strategy of destroying Vox, putting several of its regional leaders and their related media to attack Abascal's party.

The PP needs the support of Vox but continues to attack it

The biggest paradox in this story is that Feijóo needs the support of Vox to be able to stand for the investiture. I am no longer saying that he needs it for the investiture to prosper. Before that, he has to convince the King that he has sufficient support to stand for election (because in Spain the president of the government is elected by Congress, not by the citizens, in case some they haven't found out yet).

And what does the PP do to attract the support of Vox? Well, attack him, insult him and make it clear that you want to liquidate him, as PP leaders have already broadcast through their related media this week. This is a scorpion with a large mouth that appeals to the frog's kindness to let it be humiliated and liquidated, and also to help it cross the river. And it is the same scorpion with a mouth that on two occasions refused to support Vox's motions of no confidence against Sánchez, saying that the numbers were not coming out (in 2020 and in 2022). And now they ask for Vox's support for nothing and, to top it off, spitting in their faces.

The PP acts like a scorpion full of hatred against Vox because it does not forgive it for having taken away some votes it considered its property. Some votes that the PP obtained by blackmailing their voters (either you vote for me or the left will come, which is worse than me).

Vox is not the only frog in this story

Just like the scorpion in the fable, the PP does not know how to do anything else: it is a hopeless party, which has been bossing its right-wing voters for decades in the same way that it now wants to boss Vox around . But the frog in this story is not just Vox: it is all the voters of the PP, who continue to support that party with their noses stuffed, driven by fear, disgust and believing that the The only alternative to face the worst is to choose the bad, over and over again, allowing yourself to be belittled and manipulated by a PP that is even willing to speak with a fugitive from Justice like Puigdemont .


Photo: Leon Pauleikhoff.

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