He gives more than 300 million to that country in a wave of migration

Mauritania and the cost to Spain of having a bad ruler who yields to blackmail

Esp 2·09·2024 · 7:22 0

Since his arrival to the government of Spain, the socialist Pedro Sánchez has been sending a dangerous message to the whole world.

Pedro Sánchez, Morocco and Islamism: a relationship that endangers Spain and the EU
Pedro Sánchez knew that Spain was buying Russian oil from Morocco and was silent

The two faces of Sánchez: strong in the face of decent people...

That message consists of being weak against criminals and strong with decent people. Sánchez has exhibited these two attitudes constantly since he arrived at the Moncloa Palace in 2018. He had no qualms about confining millions of Spaniards to their homes illegallyduring the pandemic, resorting to a mechanism constitutional (the state of alarm) that did not allow him to do that, as ruled by the Constitutional Court. In addition, Sánchez has reduced taxes on businessmen, self-employed workers and employees, managing to place Spain at the head of Europe in unemployment rate and number of unemployed.

... and weak to the blackmail of criminals

Things change when we talk about all kinds of criminals. Sánchez has been doing constant favors for the ETA terrorists and their entourage in exchange for the support of EH Bildu, the political heirs of that criminal gang that murdered more than 800 Spaniards.

Likewise, is promoting an amnesty for the criminals who led the 2017 separatist coup in Catalonia, an amnesty with which he intended to erase even crimes of terrorism and all traces of Russian interference in Spain, an interference confirmed yesterday by the European Parliament, in a harsh political blow to Sánchez.

The precedent of Sánchez's surrender to Moroccan blackmail

Likewise, in 2022 Sánchez gave in to pressure from Morocco in relation to Western Sahara, a cession that at this point is difficult not to relate to possible blackmail to Sánchez after spying on his cell phone. Morocco is, perhaps, the country that has best taken advantage of Sanchez's weakness in the face of blackmailers, reaching sell Russian oil in violation of European sanctions without the Spanish government saying anything, despite knowing the origin of those imports.

Let us also remember that Sánchez has given million-dollar amounts to Morocco in response to Moroccan blackmail in immigration matters, which consists of allowing new assaults from time to time illegal immigrants to the Spanish borders in Ceuta and Melilla.

Mauritania manages to blackmail Sánchez: more than 300 million euros

Sánchez's habit of giving in to blackmail has become known in other countries. Yesterday Sánchez traveled to Mauritania and promised his government more than 300 million euros to stop illegal immigration from that country. All this after a very serious event: last summer, Mauritania violated its commitments with Spain on immigration matters preventing the disembarkation of illegal immigrants who had been rescued by the Civil Guard before their coasts. The Spanish ship was anchored off the Mauritanian coast for several days and suffered a serious mutiny by the rescued immigrants, which forced the civil guards to fire two shots into the air.

Those more than 300 million euros announced by Sánchez in Mauritania are payment for another blackmail in immigration matters. The Canary Islands are suffering the worst wave of illegal immigration in years (almost 40,000 illegal immigrants arriving there in 2023, 140% more than in 2022 ), by means of boats that currently arrive mostly from Mauritania. The Mauritanian government has consented to this migratory wave towards the Canary Islands, just as Morocco did before with Ceuta and Melilla, because blackmailing the Sánchez government has become a profitable business. It is the price that Spain has to pay for having a bad ruler who gives in to all kinds of tyrants and criminals.

The message that Sánchez is sending to Spanish society

The problem for the Sánchez government is the message it sends to the society of its own country. With what authority are Spanish citizens asked to respect the laws, if the government rewards those who blackmail it? With what morality does the government tell farmers to be law-abiding in their protests, while granting an amnesty to terrorists, giving in to the blackmail of their political allies?

With what morality are taxpayers asked to fulfill their fiscal duties while they see their money being used to pay blackmail?With what morality are decent citizens required to be peaceful while the government rewards to violent criminals with an amnesty? This government is a danger to coexistence in Spain and to the security of European borders.


Photo: La Moncloa. The president of the government of Spain, the socialist Pedro Sánchez, and the president of Mauritania, Mohamed Ould Ghazouani, at the meeting held on February 8, 2024.

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