A government that includes ministers who do not condemn Palestinian terrorism

Hamas shows its gratitude to Sánchez: Israel was right when it accused his government

Esp 11·25·2023 · 16:29 0

This week, Pedro Sánchez has once again embarrassed Spain with an insulting visit to Israel that has caused a serious diplomatic crisis.

Netanyahu's speech to Sánchez: some words that many Spaniards support
Has Pedro Sánchez also granted amnesty to a group classified as terrorist by the EU?

Sánchez's infamous policy regarding terrorism

Sánchez has had the nerve to travel to Israel to give lessons to that country on how to end terrorism, in an intervention (you can read the transcript here) in which he stated that "Spain suffered the scourge of terrorism, and we can understand very well the pain and frustration of Israel." It can hardly show any understanding towards the suffering of Israel an unscrupulous politician who has negotiated his re-election with those who do not condemn ETA's terrorism, with whom organize tributes to the members of that band criminal and they reject tributes to their victims. With those alliances and with his favors to the terrorists, Sánchez has humiliated the victims of ETA.

With this precedent, Sánchez added: "Because we have also suffered it in Spain, I am convinced that terrorism cannot be eradicated exclusively through the use of force." With These words, spoken before the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, it is worth asking if what Sánchez intended is to propose that Israel give in to the terrorists, in the same way that the Socialist Party gave in and continues to give in (PSOE) led by Sánchez, or if he wants Israel to simply amnesty the terrorists, as Sánchez wants to do with some violent separatists prosecuted for terrorism in Spain.

The tolerance of the Sánchez government with the PFLP terrorists

Perhaps the socialist leader's idea of eradicating terrorism is to let terrorists roam freely in Israel, as the Sánchez government does with the Palestinian terrorists of the PFLP in Spain, despite being classified as a terrorist group by the EU. A terrorist group with which the party of several ministers in Sánchez's government has links. A government of which a minister who refused to condemn the Hamas terrorist attack, and that on the same day of that attack affirmed that "Palestine has the right to resist after decades of occupation, apartheid and exile."

An unscrupulous politician allied with the anti-Semitic extreme left

Given the collection of infamies that Pedro Sánchez has been making in relation to terrorism, many Spaniards feel ashamed of this illegitimate government, headed by an unscrupulous politician who, after losing the last general elections, has bought political support for his re-election with a serious attack on the rule of law and national unity. Sánchez is a politician whose main concern is to remain in power at any price, allying himself with the enemies of Spain and Freedom and with the anti-Semitic extreme left, an extreme left that has accused Israel of committing "genocide" but has not condemned the massacre of Israeli civilians at the hands of Hamas. Something that outrages millions of Spaniards.

Israel is right to point out the Sánchez government

There are also many of us Spaniards who believe that Israel is right to accus this government of supporting Palestinian terrorism. It has done so for years by providing economic aid to Palestine, with our tax money, aid that Vox, the third most voted party in Spain, has asked to suspend and review, pointing out:

"In view of the execrable terrorist attacks perpetrated by Hamas, which include the kidnapping and mass murder of civilians, including women and girls who have been abused and harassed, it is inexplicable that this organization -or associations controlled by it-, can continue to receive financing from the Spanish Government."

If the Sánchez government does not support terrorism, why does it insist on sending that money knowing that it ends up in the hands of terrorists? Why does it continue to allow the Palestinian terrorists of the PFLP to roam freely around Spain? Why do you keep ministers in office who have not condemned and even justified the Hamas terrorist attack? Why do you suggest that Israel give in to the terrorists, in the same way as the Spanish socialists? Did they give in to ETA? Why The Sánchez government voted at the UN together with Hamas allies, in favor of a resolution that omitted any reference to the civilians kidnapped by that terrorist group and avoided condemn their attack on Israel? The data is conclusive and destroys the false story of Sánchez, a politician accustomed to lying by system.

Hamas shows its gratitude to Sánchez in a statement

In case there was any doubt, today the Hamas terrorists have appreciated the position "clear and bold stance" of Sánchez against Israel (the original statement can be read here) , specifically for accusing that democratic country of committing "indiscriminate killings" in Gaza (thus relying on the data published by Hamas). The president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, has commented on this statement of gratitude with these words: "The authors of one of the most cruel, inhuman and massive terrorist attacks in the history of humanity thank Sánchez for his position. Hamas joins ETA, which also thanks Sánchez giving him his votes. Sánchez is a total shame for Spain and for Europe".


Photo: La Moncloa. Pedro Sánchez with the president of the State of Israel, Isaac Herzog, on his official visit to that country on November 23, 2023.

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