"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke
A measure that would be contrary to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Pedro Sánchez imitates a measure of the Putin regime to limit press freedom

A few days ago I warned here about Sanchez's attack on freedom of information in the midst of his party's corruption scandals.

After the harsh criticism of Der Spiegel, now an editorial acid from PRISA

Sánchez's farce turns against him: the socialist newspaper El País is considering his retirement

Unai Sordo (CCOO) describes it as “silly” that judges choose judges

UGT and CCOO, related to the government of Pedro Sánchez, deny judicial independence

A center-left media outlet with notable influence in Germany and the EU

The German media Der Spiegel destroys Pedro Sánchez for his farce after having defended him

And what the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says about it

Two clues to identify a politician who intends to become a dictator